Worldview Workshops, ideal for women of all ages and stages of faith, are a terrific way to gather, share a meal and contemplate God’s truth together in a compact, with impact, setting.
We offer three options to best suit your need. Each workshop engages Courtney’s core content to equip your participants in the context of fun and lively discussions. Participants walk away encouraged in truth from Scripture and equipped to better recognize and respond to counterfeit worldviews.
A one-session workshop is ideal for a morning, lunch-time, or evening event. Cost $500
(includes materials)
Truth Be Told: Why a Biblical Worldview Matters
In this one-hour session, Courtney clearly defines a biblical worldview and shares seven cornerstone truths that will serve to anchor your faith in a chaotic culture.
4 Lies, 4 Truths: Cultural Messages vs. Biblical Truths
In this one-hour session, Courtney defines five common cultural lies and equips listeners to respond with a biblical worldview perspective.
Suggested Timeline:
Weekday Night:
6:00-7:00 dinner
8:00-9:00 session followed by Q&A
— OR —
Saturday Morning:
8:00-9:00 breakfast
9:00-10:00 session followed by Q&A
Two-session workshops are ideal for a mini-retreat setting (in town or out of town). Cost $1,000
(includes materials)
Know the Truth: An Introduction to Worldview & Why a Biblical Worldview Matters
In this two-session workshop, Courtney begins with defining foundational terms like culture and worldview and then shares how our belief systems impact everything about us. She defines a biblical worldview using seven cornerstone truths that will serve to anchor your faith in a chaotic culture.
Suggested Timeline:
8:00-9:00 breakfast
9:00-10:00 session
10:15-11:15 session followed by Q&A
11:30 dismiss
Three-session workshops are ideal for a retreat setting (in town or out of town). Cost $2,500
(includes materials)
Know the Truth, Share the Truth: Moving from Disciple to Disciplemaker
In this three-session workshop, Courtney defines foundational terms like culture and worldview, outlines seven cornerstone truths of a biblical worldview, and then shares how to share the truth confidently by becoming a disciplemaker.
Know the Truth: An Introduction to Worldview & Apologetics
In this three-session workshop, Courtney defines a biblical worldview using seven cornerstone truths, and then teaches participants how to confidently defend their faith through a basic understanding of apologetics.
Suggested Timeline:
8:00-9:00 breakfast
9:00-10:00 session
10:15-11:15 session followed by Q&A
11:30 dismiss

Let’s talk . . . We can customize any workshop format to best fit your need.
Fill out this form to get started.