101 Christianity Bible studies are best experienced either in a small group or with another person who knows what it means to love and follow Jesus and His Word. When these studies are used in a group setting or one-on-one, it encourages accountability in completing the lessons and in ultimately applying truth to life.
General Studies
Exploring the Basics of Christianity
101: Exploring the Basics of the Christian Faith is the first study in the 101 Christianity series and is a 10 week curriculum designed to provide an overview of the basics of Christianity. Chapter titles include the Character of God, Salvation, the Bible, Prayer, Growing as a Christian, Obedience, Suffering, Community and Sharing your Faith. This study is intended for personal use, one-on-one discipleship or small group study.
This study has also been translated into Arabic, Turkish, and Spanish (see below).
Link to accompanying podcast below.
Discovering the Character of God
101: Discovering the Character of God is the second study in the 101 Christianity series. Expounding on the first chapter in 101: Exploring the Basics of the Christian Faith, this study dives deeper into the character of God with a 14 week study on each one of the attributes. This study is intended to provide a basic foundation of God as: Triune, Holy, Just, Righteous, Immutable, Eternal, Truth, Love, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Sovereign. This study is intended for personal use, one- on-one discipleship or small group study.
Link to accompanying podcast below.
Taking the original Bible study 101:Exploring the Basics of the Christian Faith, Courtney and her husband John, have created a ten-week family-friendly devotional called A Parent's Guide to 101: Exploring the Basics of the Christian Faith suitable for kids six-year-old and up. Each week contains the big idea, key scripture, questions, along with a closing prayer, plus optional action-step for tweens & teens. Ideally, parents complete the corresponding lesson in the original study (mint green cover) before teaching their children; however, the parent's guide can stand alone.
Living Your Story
What matters as you live your God-authored story? Relationships. Freedom. Obedience. Surrender. Transformation. Identity. Contentment. Purpose. Forgiveness. Endurance. Living Your Story: 10 Biblical Principles That Matter was developed to encourage every woman that her daily decision to follow Christ matters. This small group material highlights ten principles where women explore God's truth and how it applies to their stories. Each topic concludes with an inspiring story from the Sacred Story collection. For input on facilitating groups, a leader’s guide is included.
Co-authored by Laura Wilcox.

Join Courtney as she teaches through 101: Exploring the Basics of the Christian Faith as well as 101: Discovering the Character of God.
In this booklet Courtney shares how she eventually found peace and a lasting solution to dieting and exercise with Scripture as her guide.
*Note: This short book addresses those who struggle primarily with overeating.
Explorando los fundamentos de la fe cristiana es un estudio bíblico de diez semanas diseñado para proporcionar una descripción general de los fundamentos del cristianismo. El estudio está diseñado para uso personal, discipulado uno a uno o estudio en grupos pequeños. Los títulos de los capítulos incluyen el carácter de Dios, la salvación, la Biblia, la oración, el crecimiento cristiano, la obediencia, el sufrimiento, la comunidad y compartir la fe